Detective Pikachu

Cards featuring Pokemon as seen in the Detective Pikachu movie. Each card is a holo and booster packs are found in various Detective Pikachu products.
Cards 18
Released Mar 29th 2019

Card List

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  1. 01 Bulbasaur
  2. 02 Ludicolo
  3. 03 Morelull
  4. 04 Charmander
  5. 05 Charizard
  6. 06 Arcanine
  1. 07 Psyduck
  2. 08 Magikarp
  3. 09 Greninja
  4. 10 Detective Pikachu
  5. 11 Mr Mime
  6. 12 Mewtwo
  1. 13 Machamp
  2. 14 Jigglypuff
  3. 15 Snubbull
  4. 16 Lickitung
  5. 17 Ditto
  6. 18 Slaking
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