Legendary Holo Collection

Talk about special, it's a a shiny collection of various legendary pokemon from ages past! 15 packs per box, and each pack had a holo or Pikachu EX
Cards 27
Released Jul 18th 2015

Card List

Collection Status
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  1. 01 Chespin
  2. 02 Reshiram
  3. 03 Fennekin
  4. 04 Braixen
  5. 05 Palkia
  6. 06 Froakie
  7. 07 Frogadier
  8. 08 Pikachu EX
  9. 09 Zekrom
  1. 10 Dedenne
  2. 11 Wobbuffet
  3. 12 Hoopa EX
  4. 13 Hippopotas
  5. 14 Pancham
  6. 15 Hawlucha
  7. 16 Inkay
  8. 17 Dialga
  9. 18 Latias
  1. 19 Latios
  2. 20 Black Kyurem
  3. 21 White Kyurem
  4. 22 Meowth
  5. 23 Regigigas
  6. 24 Arceus
  7. 25 Rufflet
  8. 26 Braviary
  9. 27 Noibat
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