Battle Partners

The first set of the Scarlet & Violet era to include Trainer Pokemon!
Cards 100 +32 Secret
Released Jan 24th 2025

Card List

Collection Status
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  1. 001 Caterpie
  2. 002 Metapod
  3. 003 Butterfree
  4. 004 Paras
  5. 005 Parasect
  6. 006 Maractus
  7. 007 Karrablast
  8. 008 Shelmet
  9. 009 Accelgor
  10. 010 Sprigatito
  11. 011 Floragato
  12. 012 Meowscarada
  13. 013 Magmar
  14. 014 Magmortar
  15. 015 N's Darumaka
  16. 016 N's Darmanitan
  17. 017 Volcanion ex
  18. 018 Articuno
  19. 019 Remoraid
  20. 020 Octillery
  21. 021 Lotad
  22. 022 Lombre
  23. 023 Ludicolo
  24. 024 Wailmer
  25. 025 Wailord
  26. 026 Iono's Voltorb
  27. 027 Iono's Electrode
  28. 028 N's Joltik
  29. 029 Iono's Tadbulb
  30. 030 Iono's Bellibolt ex
  31. 031 Iono's Wattrel
  32. 032 Iono's Killowattrel
  33. 033 Lillie's Clefairy ex
  34. 034 Mr. Mime
  35. 035 Shuppet
  36. 036 Banette
  37. 037 Beldum
  38. 038 Metang
  39. 039 Metagross
  40. 040 N's Sigilyph
  41. 041 Lillie's Cutiefly
  42. 042 Lillie's Ribombee
  43. 043 Lillie's Comfey
  44. 044 Swinub
  1. 045 Piloswine
  2. 046 Mamoswine ex
  3. 047 Larvitar
  4. 048 Pupitar
  5. 049 Regirock
  6. 050 Pancham
  7. 051 Rockruff
  8. 052 Lycanroc
  9. 053 Hop's Silicobra
  10. 054 Hop's Sandaconda
  11. 055 Klawf
  12. 056 Koffing
  13. 057 Weezing
  14. 058 Tyranitar
  15. 059 N's Purrloin
  16. 060 N's Zorua
  17. 061 N's Zoroark ex
  18. 062 Pangoro
  19. 063 Escavalier
  20. 064 N's Klink
  21. 065 N's Klang
  22. 066 N's Klinklang
  23. 067 Magearna
  24. 068 Hop's Corviknight
  25. 069 Hop's Zacian ex
  26. 070 Bagon
  27. 071 Shelgon
  28. 072 Salamence ex
  29. 073 Druddigon
  30. 074 N's Reshiram
  31. 075 Hop's Snorlax
  32. 076 Sentret
  33. 077 Furret
  34. 078 Dunsparce
  35. 079 Dudunsparce ex
  36. 080 Noibat
  37. 081 Noivern
  38. 082 Komala
  39. 083 Hop's Rookidee
  40. 084 Hop's Corvisquire
  41. 085 Hop's Wooloo
  42. 086 Hop's Dubwool
  43. 087 Hop's Cramorant
  44. 088 Super Potion
  1. 089 N's Point Up
  2. 090 Exchange Ticket
  3. 091 Hop's Bag
  4. 092 Hop's Choice Band
  5. 093 Lillie's Pearl
  6. 094 Iris's Fighting Spirit
  7. 095 Ruffian
  8. 096 Brock's Scout
  9. 097 N's Castle
  10. 098 Levincia City
  11. 099 Postwick
  12. 100 Spike Energy
  13. 101 Maractus
  14. 102 Articuno
  15. 103 Wailord
  16. 104 Iono's Killowattrel
  17. 105 Lillie's Ribombee
  18. 106 Swinub
  19. 107 Lycanroc
  20. 108 N's Zorua
  21. 109 N's Reshiram
  22. 110 Furret
  23. 111 Noibat
  24. 112 Hop's Wooloo
  25. 113 Volcanion ex
  26. 114 Iono's Bellibolt ex
  27. 115 Lillie's Clefairy ex
  28. 116 Mamoswine ex
  29. 117 N's Zoroark ex
  30. 118 Hop's Zacian ex
  31. 119 Salamence ex
  32. 120 Dudunsparce ex
  33. 121 Iris's Fighting Spirit
  34. 122 Ruffian
  35. 123 Brock's Scout
  36. 124 Volcanion ex
  37. 125 Iono's Bellibolt ex
  38. 126 Lillie's Clefairy ex
  39. 127 N's Zoroark ex
  40. 128 Hop's Zacian ex
  41. 129 Salamence ex
  42. 130 Iono's Bellibolt ex
  43. 131 N's Zoroark ex
  44. 132 Spike Energy
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