Mystery of the Fossils

The cards in this set are unnumbered, but are ordered by rarity and pokedex number
Cards 48
Released Jun 21st 1997

Card List

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  1. 01 Ekans
  2. 02 Zubat
  3. 03 Grimer
  4. 04 Arbok
  5. 05 Golbat
  6. 06 Weezing
  7. 07 Muk
  8. 08 Magmar
  9. 09 Moltres
  10. 10 Psyduck
  11. 11 Tentacool
  12. 12 Shellder
  13. 13 Krabby
  14. 14 Horsea
  15. 15 Omanyte
  16. 16 Golduck
  1. 17 Tentacruel
  2. 18 Cloyster
  3. 19 Kingler
  4. 20 Seadra
  5. 21 Omastar
  6. 22 Lapras
  7. 23 Articuno
  8. 24 Raichu
  9. 25 Magneton
  10. 26 Zapdos
  11. 27 Slowpoke
  12. 28 Slowbro
  13. 29 Gastly
  14. 30 Haunter
  15. 31 Gengar
  16. 32 Hypno
  1. 33 Mew
  2. 34 Geodude
  3. 35 Kabuto
  4. 36 Sandslash
  5. 37 Graveler
  6. 38 Golem
  7. 39 Hitmonlee
  8. 40 Kabutops
  9. 41 Aerodactyl
  10. 42 Ditto
  11. 43 Dragonite
  12. 44 Energy Search
  13. 45 Gambler
  14. 46 Mysterious Fossil
  15. 47 Recycle
  16. 48 Mr. Fuji
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