EX Power Keepers

Cards 108
Released Feb 14th 2007

Card List

Collection Status
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  1. 001 Aggron
  2. 002 Altaria
  3. 003 Armaldo
  4. 004 Banette
  5. 005 Blaziken
  6. 006 Charizard
  7. 007 Cradily
  8. 008 Delcatty
  9. 009 Gardevoir
  10. 010 Kabutops
  11. 011 Machamp
  12. 012 Raichu
  13. 013 Slaking
  14. 014 Dusclops
  15. 015 Lanturn
  16. 016 Magneton
  17. 017 Mawile
  18. 018 Mightyena
  19. 019 Ninetales
  20. 020 Omastar
  21. 021 Pichu
  22. 022 Sableye
  23. 023 Seviper
  24. 024 Wobbuffet
  25. 025 Zangoose
  26. 026 Anorith
  27. 027 Cacturne
  28. 028 Charmeleon
  29. 029 Combusken
  30. 030 Glalie
  31. 031 Kirlia
  32. 032 Lairon
  33. 033 Machoke
  34. 034 Medicham
  35. 035 Metang
  36. 036 Nuzleaf
  1. 037 Sealeo
  2. 038 Sharpedo
  3. 039 Shelgon
  4. 040 Vibrava
  5. 041 Vigoroth
  6. 042 Aron
  7. 043 Bagon
  8. 044 Baltoy
  9. 045 Beldum
  10. 046 Cacnea
  11. 047 Carvanha
  12. 048 Charmander
  13. 049 Chinchou
  14. 050 Duskull
  15. 051 Kabuto
  16. 052 Lileep
  17. 053 Machop
  18. 054 Magnemite
  19. 055 Meditite
  20. 056 Omanyte
  21. 057 Pikachu
  22. 058 Poochyena
  23. 059 Ralts
  24. 060 Seedot
  25. 061 Shuppet
  26. 062 Skitty
  27. 063 Slakoth
  28. 064 Snorunt
  29. 065 Spheal
  30. 066 Swablu
  31. 067 Torchic
  32. 068 Trapinch
  33. 069 Vulpix
  34. 070 Wynaut
  35. 071 Battle Frontier
  36. 072 Drake's Stadium
  1. 073 Energy Recycle System
  2. 074 Energy Removal 2
  3. 075 Energy Switch
  4. 076 Glacia's Stadium
  5. 077 Great Ball
  6. 078 Master Ball
  7. 079 Phoebe's Stadium
  8. 080 Professor Birch
  9. 081 Scott
  10. 082 Sidney's Stadium
  11. 083 Steven's Advice
  12. 084 Claw Fossil
  13. 085 Mysterious Fossil
  14. 086 Root Fossil
  15. 087 Darkness Energy
  16. 088 Metal Energy
  17. 089 Multi Energy
  18. 090 Cyclone Energy
  19. 091 Warp Energy
  20. 092 Absol ex
  21. 093 Claydol ex
  22. 094 Flygon ex
  23. 095 Metagross ex
  24. 096 Salamence ex
  25. 097 Shiftry ex
  26. 098 Skarmory ex
  27. 099 Walrein ex
  28. 100 Flareon *
  29. 101 Jolteon *
  30. 102 Vaporeon *
  31. 103 Grass Energy
  32. 104 Fire Energy
  33. 105 Water Energy
  34. 106 Lightning Energy
  35. 107 Psychic Energy
  36. 108 Fighting Energy
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