Call of Legends

This set features many of the legendary pokemon as well as reprints of awesome cards from the HS series!
Cards 95 +11 Secret
Released Feb 9th 2011

Card List

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  1. 001 Clefable
  2. 002 Deoxys
  3. 003 Dialga
  4. 004 Espeon
  5. 005 Forretress
  6. 006 Groudon
  7. 007 Gyarados
  8. 008 Hitmontop
  9. 009 Ho-Oh
  10. 010 Houndoom
  11. 011 Jirachi
  12. 012 Kyogre
  13. 013 Leafeon
  14. 014 Lucario
  15. 015 Lugia
  16. 016 Magmortar
  17. 017 Ninetales
  18. 018 Pachirisu
  19. 019 Palkia
  20. 020 Rayquaza
  21. 021 Smeargle
  22. 022 Umbreon
  23. 023 Ampharos
  24. 024 Cleffa
  25. 025 Feraligatr
  26. 026 Granbull
  27. 027 Meganium
  28. 028 Mismagius
  29. 029 Mr. Mime
  30. 030 Pidgeot
  31. 031 Skarmory
  32. 032 Slowking
  33. 033 Snorlax
  34. 034 Tangrowth
  35. 035 Typhlosion
  36. 036 Tyrogue
  1. 037 Ursaring
  2. 038 Weezing
  3. 039 Zangoose
  4. 040 Bayleef
  5. 041 Croconaw
  6. 042 Donphan
  7. 043 Flaaffy
  8. 044 Flareon
  9. 045 Jolteon
  10. 046 Magby
  11. 047 Mime Jr.
  12. 048 Pidgeotto
  13. 049 Quilava
  14. 050 Riolu
  15. 051 Seviper
  16. 052 Vaporeon
  17. 053 Chikorita
  18. 054 Clefairy
  19. 055 Cyndaquil
  20. 056 Eevee
  21. 057 Hitmonchan
  22. 058 Hitmonlee
  23. 059 Houndour
  24. 060 Koffing
  25. 061 Magikarp
  26. 062 Magmar
  27. 063 Mareep
  28. 064 Mawile
  29. 065 Misdreavus
  30. 066 Phanpy
  31. 067 Pidgey
  32. 068 Pineco
  33. 069 Relicanth
  34. 070 Slowpoke
  35. 071 Snubbull
  36. 072 Tangela
  1. 073 Teddiursa
  2. 074 Totodile
  3. 075 Vulpix
  4. 076 Cheerleader's Cheer
  5. 077 Copycat
  6. 078 Dual Ball
  7. 079 Interviewer's Questions
  8. 080 Lost Remover
  9. 081 Lost World
  10. 082 Professor Elm's Training Method
  11. 083 Professor Oak's New Theory
  12. 084 Research Record
  13. 085 Sage's Training
  14. 086 Darkness Energy
  15. 087 Metal Energy
  16. 088 Grass Energy
  17. 089 Fire Energy
  18. 090 Water Energy
  19. 091 Lightning Energy
  20. 092 Psychic Energy
  21. 093 Fighting Energy
  22. 094 Darkness Energy
  23. 095 Metal Energy
  24. SL1 Deoxys
  25. SL2 Dialga
  26. SL3 Entei
  27. SL4 Groudon
  28. SL5 Ho-Oh
  29. SL6 Kyogre
  30. SL7 Lugia
  31. SL8 Palkia
  32. SL9 Raikou
  33. SL10 Rayquaza
  34. SL11 Suicune
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