Hidden Fates

A set available as booster packs in various collections of products
Cards 68 +1 Secret
Released Aug 23rd 2019

Card List

Collection Status
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  1. 001 Caterpie
  2. 002 Metapod
  3. 003 Butterfree
  4. 004 Paras
  5. 005 Scyther
  6. 006 Pinsir GX
  7. 007 Charmander
  8. 008 Charmeleon
  9. 009 Charizard GX
  10. 010 Magmar
  11. 011 Psyduck
  12. 012 Slowpoke
  13. 013 Staryu
  14. 014 Starmie GX
  15. 015 Magikarp
  16. 016 Gyarados GX
  17. 017 Lapras
  18. 018 Vaporeon
  19. 019 Pikachu
  20. 020 Raichu GX
  21. 021 Voltorb
  22. 022 Electrode
  23. 023 Jolteon
  24. 024 Zapdos
  25. 025 Ekans
  26. 026 Ekans
  27. 027 Arbok
  28. 028 Koffing
  29. 029 Weezing
  30. 030 Jynx
  31. 031 Mewtwo GX
  32. 032 Mew
  33. 033 Geodude
  34. 034 Graveler
  35. 035 Golem
  36. 036 Onix GX
  37. 037 Cubone
  38. 038 Clefairy
  39. 039 Clefairy
  40. 040 Clefable
  41. 041 Jigglypuff
  42. 042 Wigglytuff GX
  43. 043 Mr. Mime
  44. 044 Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX
  45. 045 Farfetch'd
  46. 046 Chansey
  47. 047 Kangaskhan
  48. 048 Eevee
  49. 049 Eevee
  50. 050 Snorlax
  51. 051 Bill's Analysis
  52. 052 Blaine's Last Stand
  53. 053 Brock's Grit
  54. 054 Brock's Pewter City Gym
  55. 055 Brock's Training
  1. 056 Erika's Hospitality
  2. 057 Giovanni's Exile
  3. 058 Jessie & James
  4. 059 Koga's Trap
  5. 060 Lt. Surge's Strategy
  6. 061 Misty's Cerulean City Gym
  7. 062 Misty's Determination
  8. 063 Misty's Water Command
  9. 064 Pokemon Center Lady
  10. 065 Sabrina's Suggestion
  11. 066 Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX
  12. 067 Giovanni's Exile
  13. 068 Jessie & James
  14. 069 Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX
  15. SV1 Scyther
  16. SV2 Rowlet
  17. SV3 Dartrix
  18. SV4 Wimpod
  19. SV5 Pheromosa
  20. SV6 Charmander
  21. SV7 Charmeleon
  22. SV8 Alolan Vulpix
  23. SV9 Wooper
  24. SV10 Quagsire
  25. SV11 Froakie
  26. SV12 Frogadier
  27. SV13 Voltorb
  28. SV14 Xurkitree
  29. SV15 Seviper
  30. SV16 Shuppet
  31. SV17 Inkay
  32. SV18 Malamar
  33. SV19 Poipole
  34. SV20 Sudowoodo
  35. SV21 Riolu
  36. SV22 Lucario
  37. SV23 Rockruff
  38. SV24 Buzzwole
  39. SV25 Zorua
  40. SV26 Guzzlord
  41. SV27 Magnemite
  42. SV28 Magneton
  43. SV29 Magnezone
  44. SV30 Beldum
  45. SV31 Metang
  46. SV32 Celesteela
  47. SV33 Kartana
  48. SV34 Ralts
  49. SV35 Kirlia
  50. SV36 Diancie
  51. SV37 Altaria
  52. SV38 Gible
  53. SV39 Gabite
  54. SV40 Garchomp
  55. SV41 Eevee
  1. SV42 Swablu
  2. SV43 Noibat
  3. SV44 Oranguru
  4. SV45 Type: Null
  5. SV46 Leafeon GX
  6. SV47 Decidueye GX
  7. SV48 Golisopod GX
  8. SV49 Charizard GX
  9. SV50 Ho-Oh GX
  10. SV51 Reshiram GX
  11. SV52 Turtonator GX
  12. SV53 Alolan Ninetales GX
  13. SV54 Articuno GX
  14. SV55 Glaceon GX
  15. SV56 Greninja GX
  16. SV57 Electrode GX
  17. SV58 Xurkitree GX
  18. SV59 Mewtwo GX
  19. SV60 Espeon GX
  20. SV61 Banette GX
  21. SV62 Nihilego GX
  22. SV63 Naganadel GX
  23. SV64 Lucario GX
  24. SV65 Zygarde GX
  25. SV66 Lycanroc GX
  26. SV67 Lycanroc GX
  27. SV68 Buzzwole GX
  28. SV69 Umbreon GX
  29. SV70 Darkrai GX
  30. SV71 Guzzlord GX
  31. SV72 Scizor GX
  32. SV73 Kartana GX
  33. SV74 Stakataka GX
  34. SV75 Gardevoir GX
  35. SV76 Sylveon GX
  36. SV77 Altaria GX
  37. SV78 Noivern GX
  38. SV79 Silvally GX
  39. SV80 Drampa GX
  40. SV81 Aether Foundation Employee
  41. SV82 Cynthia
  42. SV83 Fisherman
  43. SV84 Guzma
  44. SV85 Hiker
  45. SV86 Lady
  46. SV87 Aether Paradise Conservation Area
  47. SV88 Brooklet Hill
  48. SV89 Mt. Coronet
  49. SV90 Shrine of Punishment
  50. SV91 Tapu Bulu GX
  51. SV92 Tapu Fini GX
  52. SV93 Tapu Koko GX
  53. SV94 Tapu Lele GX
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